Source code for noisemaker.constants

"""Constants used in Noisemaker"""

from enum import Enum

[docs]class DistanceMetric(Enum): """ Specify the distance metric used in various operations, such as Voronoi cells, derivatives, and sobel operators. """ none = 0 # These require absolute inputs euclidean = 1 manhattan = 2 chebyshev = 3 octagram = 4 # These require signed inputs triangular = 101 hexagram = 102 sdf = 201 # Signed distance field
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls): return [m for m in cls if m != cls.none]
[docs] @classmethod def absolute_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_absolute(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def is_absolute(cls, member): return member != cls.none and member.value < cls.triangular.value
[docs] @classmethod def signed_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_signed(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def is_signed(cls, member): return member != cls.none and not cls.is_absolute(member)
[docs]class InterpolationType(Enum): """ Specify the spline point count for interpolation operations. """ #: constant = 0 #: linear = 1 #: cosine = 2 #: bicubic = 3
[docs]class PointDistribution(Enum): """ Point cloud distribution, used by Voronoi and DLA """ random = 1000000 square = 1000001 waffle = 1000002 chess = 1000003 h_hex = 1000010 v_hex = 1000011 spiral = 1000050 circular = 1000100 concentric = 1000101 rotating = 1000102
[docs] @classmethod def grid_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_grid(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def circular_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_circular(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def is_grid(cls, member): return member.value >= cls.square.value and member.value < cls.spiral.value
[docs] @classmethod def is_circular(cls, member): return member.value >= cls.circular.value
[docs]class ValueDistribution(Enum): """ Specify the value distribution function for basic noise. .. code-block:: python image = basic(freq, [height, width, channels], distrib=ValueDistribution.uniform) """ uniform = 1 exp = 2
[docs] @classmethod def is_noise(cls, member): return member and member.value < 5
ones = 5 mids = 6 zeros = 7 column_index = 10 row_index = 11 center_circle = 20 center_triangle = 23 center_diamond = 21 center_square = 24 center_pentagon = 25 center_hexagon = 26 center_heptagon = 27 center_octagon = 28 center_nonagon = 29 center_decagon = 30 center_hendecagon = 31 center_dodecagon = 32
[docs] @classmethod def is_center_distance(cls, member): return member and (member.value >= 20) and (member.value < 40)
scan_up = 40 scan_down = 41 scan_left = 42 scan_right = 43
[docs] @classmethod def is_scan(cls, member): return member and (member.value >= 40) and (member.value < 50)
[docs] @classmethod def is_native_size(cls, member): """The noise type is generated at full-size, rather than upsampled.""" return cls.is_center_distance(member) \ or cls.is_scan(member)
[docs]class ValueMask(Enum): """ """ square = 1 waffle = 2 chess = 3 grid = 4 h_bar = 5 v_bar = 6 h_hex = 10 v_hex = 11 h_tri = 12 v_tri = 13 alphanum_0 = 20 alphanum_1 = 21 alphanum_2 = 22 alphanum_3 = 23 alphanum_4 = 24 alphanum_5 = 25 alphanum_6 = 26 alphanum_7 = 27 alphanum_8 = 28 alphanum_9 = 29 alphanum_a = 30 alphanum_b = 31 alphanum_c = 32 alphanum_d = 33 alphanum_e = 34 alphanum_f = 35 tromino_i = 40 tromino_l = 41 tromino_o = 42 tromino_s = 43 halftone_0 = 50 halftone_1 = 51 halftone_2 = 52 halftone_3 = 53 halftone_4 = 54 halftone_5 = 55 halftone_6 = 56 halftone_7 = 57 halftone_8 = 58 halftone_9 = 59 lcd_0 = 60 lcd_1 = 61 lcd_2 = 62 lcd_3 = 63 lcd_4 = 64 lcd_5 = 65 lcd_6 = 66 lcd_7 = 67 lcd_8 = 68 lcd_9 = 69 # nice fat_lcd_0 = 70 fat_lcd_1 = 71 fat_lcd_2 = 72 fat_lcd_3 = 73 fat_lcd_4 = 74 fat_lcd_5 = 75 fat_lcd_6 = 76 fat_lcd_7 = 77 fat_lcd_8 = 78 fat_lcd_9 = 79 fat_lcd_a = 80 fat_lcd_b = 81 fat_lcd_c = 82 fat_lcd_d = 83 fat_lcd_e = 84 fat_lcd_f = 85 fat_lcd_g = 86 fat_lcd_h = 87 fat_lcd_i = 88 fat_lcd_j = 89 fat_lcd_k = 90 fat_lcd_l = 91 fat_lcd_m = 92 fat_lcd_n = 93 fat_lcd_o = 94 fat_lcd_p = 95 fat_lcd_q = 96 fat_lcd_r = 97 fat_lcd_s = 98 fat_lcd_t = 99 fat_lcd_u = 100 fat_lcd_v = 101 fat_lcd_w = 102 fat_lcd_x = 103 fat_lcd_y = 104 fat_lcd_z = 105 truchet_lines_00 = 110 truchet_lines_01 = 111 truchet_curves_00 = 112 truchet_curves_01 = 113 truchet_tile_00 = 120 truchet_tile_01 = 121 truchet_tile_02 = 122 truchet_tile_03 = 123 mcpaint_00 = 130 mcpaint_01 = 131 mcpaint_02 = 132 mcpaint_03 = 133 mcpaint_04 = 134 mcpaint_05 = 135 mcpaint_06 = 136 mcpaint_07 = 137 mcpaint_08 = 138 mcpaint_09 = 139 mcpaint_10 = 140 mcpaint_11 = 141 mcpaint_12 = 142 mcpaint_13 = 143 mcpaint_14 = 144 mcpaint_15 = 145 mcpaint_16 = 146 mcpaint_17 = 147 mcpaint_18 = 148 mcpaint_19 = 149 mcpaint_20 = 150 mcpaint_21 = 151 mcpaint_22 = 152 mcpaint_23 = 153 mcpaint_24 = 154 mcpaint_25 = 155 mcpaint_26 = 156 mcpaint_27 = 157 mcpaint_28 = 158 mcpaint_29 = 159 mcpaint_30 = 160 mcpaint_31 = 161 mcpaint_32 = 162 mcpaint_33 = 163 mcpaint_34 = 164 mcpaint_35 = 165 mcpaint_36 = 166 mcpaint_37 = 167 mcpaint_38 = 168 mcpaint_39 = 169 mcpaint_40 = 170 emoji_00 = 200 emoji_01 = 201 emoji_02 = 202 emoji_03 = 203 emoji_04 = 204 emoji_05 = 205 emoji_06 = 206 emoji_07 = 207 emoji_08 = 208 emoji_09 = 209 emoji_10 = 210 emoji_11 = 211 emoji_12 = 212 emoji_13 = 213 emoji_14 = 214 emoji_15 = 215 emoji_16 = 216 emoji_17 = 217 emoji_18 = 218 emoji_19 = 219 emoji_20 = 220 emoji_21 = 221 emoji_22 = 222 emoji_23 = 223 emoji_24 = 224 emoji_25 = 225 emoji_26 = 226 emoji_27 = 227 # emoji_28 = 228 # emoji_29 = 229 # emoji_30 = 230 # emoji_31 = 231 # emoji_32 = 232 # emoji_33 = 233 # emoji_34 = 234 # emoji_35 = 235 # emoji_36 = 236 # emoji_37 = 237 # emoji_38 = 238 # emoji_39 = 239 # emoji_40 = 240 bank_ocr_0 = 250 bank_ocr_1 = 251 bank_ocr_2 = 252 bank_ocr_3 = 253 bank_ocr_4 = 254 bank_ocr_5 = 255 bank_ocr_6 = 256 bank_ocr_7 = 257 bank_ocr_8 = 258 bank_ocr_9 = 259 conv2d_blur = 800 conv2d_deriv_x = 801 conv2d_deriv_y = 802 conv2d_edges = 803 conv2d_emboss = 804 conv2d_invert = 805 conv2d_rand = 806 conv2d_sharpen = 807 conv2d_sobel_x = 808 conv2d_sobel_y = 809 conv2d_box_blur = 810 rgb = 900 rbggbr = 901 rggb = 902 rgbgr = 903 roygbiv = 904 rainbow = 910 ace = 911 nb = 912 trans = 913 sparse = 1000 sparser = 1001 sparsest = 1002 invaders = 1003 invaders_large = 1004 invaders_square = 1005 matrix = 1006 letters = 1007 ideogram = 1008 iching = 1009 script = 1010 white_bear = 1011 tromino = 1012 alphanum_binary = 1013 alphanum_numeric = 1014 alphanum_hex = 1015 truetype = 1020 halftone = 1021 lcd = 1022 lcd_binary = 1023 fat_lcd = 1024 fat_lcd_binary = 1025 fat_lcd_numeric = 1026 fat_lcd_hex = 1027 arecibo_num = 1030 arecibo_bignum = 1031 arecibo_nucleotide = 1032 arecibo_dna = 1033 arecibo = 1034 truchet_lines = 1040 truchet_curves = 1041 truchet_tile = 1042 mcpaint = 1050 emoji = 1051 bar_code = 1060 bar_code_short = 1061 bank_ocr = 1070 fake_qr = 1080 dropout = 1100
[docs] @classmethod def conv2d_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_conv2d(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def is_conv2d(cls, member): return'conv2d')
[docs] @classmethod def grid_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_grid(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def is_grid(cls, member): return member.value < cls.alphanum_0.value
[docs] @classmethod def rgb_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_rgb(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def is_rgb(cls, member): return member.value >= cls.rgb.value and member.value < cls.sparse.value
[docs] @classmethod def nonprocedural_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if not cls.is_procedural(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def procedural_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_procedural(m)]
[docs] @classmethod def is_procedural(cls, member): return member.value >= cls.sparse.value
[docs] @classmethod def glyph_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if (m.value >= cls.invaders.value and m.value <= cls.tromino.value) or (m.value >= cls.lcd.value and m.value <= cls.arecibo_dna.value) or m.value == cls.emoji.value or m.value == cls.bank_ocr.value]
[docs] @classmethod def is_glyph(cls, member): return member in glyph_members
[docs]class VoronoiDiagramType(Enum): """ Specify the artistic rendering function used for Voronoi diagrams. """ #: No Voronoi none = 0 #: Normalized neighbor distances range = 11 #: Normalized neighbor distances blended with input Tensor color_range = 12 #: Indexed regions regions = 21 #: Color-mapped regions color_regions = 22 #: Colorized neighbor distances blended with color-mapped regions range_regions = 31 #: Edgeless voronoi. Natural logarithm of reduced distance sums. flow = 41 #: Density-mapped flow diagram color_flow = 42
[docs] @classmethod def flow_members(cls): return [cls.flow, cls.color_flow]
[docs] @classmethod def is_flow_member(cls, member): return member in cls.flow_members()
[docs]class WormBehavior(Enum): """ Specify the type of heading bias for worms to follow. .. code-block:: python image = worms(image, behavior=WormBehavior.unruly) """ none = 0 obedient = 1 crosshatch = 2 unruly = 3 chaotic = 4 random = 5 meandering = 10 # like chaotic, but changes smoothly over time
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls): return [m for m in cls if m != cls.none]
[docs]class OctaveBlending(Enum): """Specify the mode for flattening octaves.""" # Traditional Perlinesque octave-over-octave persistence falloff falloff = 0 # Take the maximum of each layer reduce_max = 10 # Overlay each layer using the layer's alpha channel alpha = 20
[docs]class ColorSpace(Enum): """ """ grayscale = 1 rgb = 11 hsv = 21 oklab = 31
[docs] @classmethod def is_color(cls, m): return m and m.value > 1
[docs] @classmethod def color_members(cls): return [m for m in cls if cls.is_color(m)]