Source code for noisemaker.value

"""Low-level value noise functions"""

from collections import defaultdict

import math
import random

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from noisemaker.constants import (
from noisemaker.effects_registry import effect
from noisemaker.points import point_cloud

import noisemaker.masks as masks
import noisemaker.oklab as oklab
import noisemaker.simplex as simplex

[docs]def set_seed(seed): """ """ if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) tf.random.set_seed(seed) simplex._seed = seed
[docs]def values(freq, shape, distrib=ValueDistribution.uniform, corners=False, mask=None, mask_inverse=False, mask_static=False, spline_order=InterpolationType.bicubic, time=0.0, speed=1.0): """ """ if isinstance(freq, int): freq = freq_for_shape(freq, shape) initial_shape = freq + [shape[-1]] if distrib is None: distrib = ValueDistribution.uniform distrib = coerce_enum(distrib, ValueDistribution) mask = coerce_enum(mask, ValueMask) if distrib == ValueDistribution.ones: tensor = tf.ones(initial_shape) elif distrib == ValueDistribution.mids: tensor = tf.ones(initial_shape) * .5 elif distrib == ValueDistribution.zeros: tensor = tf.zeros(initial_shape) elif distrib == ValueDistribution.column_index: tensor = tf.expand_dims(normalize(tf.cast(column_index(initial_shape), tf.float32)), -1) * tf.ones(initial_shape, tf.float32) elif distrib == ValueDistribution.row_index: tensor = tf.expand_dims(normalize(tf.cast(row_index(initial_shape), tf.float32)), -1) * tf.ones(initial_shape, tf.float32) elif ValueDistribution.is_center_distance(distrib): sdf_sides = None if distrib == ValueDistribution.center_circle: metric = DistanceMetric.euclidean elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_triangle: metric = DistanceMetric.triangular elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_diamond: metric = DistanceMetric.manhattan elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_square: metric = DistanceMetric.chebyshev elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_pentagon: metric = DistanceMetric.sdf sdf_sides = 5 elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_hexagon: metric = DistanceMetric.hexagram elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_heptagon: metric = DistanceMetric.sdf sdf_sides = 7 elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_octagon: metric = DistanceMetric.octagram elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_nonagon: metric = DistanceMetric.sdf sdf_sides = 9 elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_decagon: metric = DistanceMetric.sdf sdf_sides = 10 elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_hendecagon: metric = DistanceMetric.sdf sdf_sides = 11 elif distrib == ValueDistribution.center_dodecagon: metric = DistanceMetric.sdf sdf_sides = 12 # make sure speed doesn't break looping if speed > 0: rounded_speed = math.floor(1 + speed) else: rounded_speed = math.ceil(-1 + speed) tensor = normalized_sine(singularity(None, shape, dist_metric=metric, sdf_sides=sdf_sides) * math.tau * max(freq[0], freq[1]) - math.tau * time * rounded_speed) * tf.ones(shape) elif ValueDistribution.is_scan(distrib): if distrib in (ValueDistribution.scan_up, ValueDistribution.scan_down): scan_distrib = ValueDistribution.column_index elif distrib in (ValueDistribution.scan_left, ValueDistribution.scan_right): scan_distrib = ValueDistribution.row_index tensor = values([shape[0], shape[1]], value_shape(shape), distrib=scan_distrib) if distrib in (ValueDistribution.scan_up, ValueDistribution.scan_left): tensor = 1.0 - tensor # make sure speed doesn't break looping # XXX copied from center distance if speed > 0: rounded_speed = math.floor(1 + speed) else: rounded_speed = math.ceil(-1 + speed) tensor = normalized_sine(tensor * math.tau - math.tau * time * rounded_speed) * tf.ones(shape) elif ValueDistribution.is_noise(distrib): # we need to control the periodic function's visual speed (i.e. scale the time factor), but without breaking loops. # to accomplish this, we will use a scaled periodic uniform noise as the time value for periodic noise types. # since time values are per-pixel, this has the added bonus of animating different parts of the image at different # rates, rather than ping-ponging the entire image back and forth in lockstep. this creates a visual effect which # closely resembles higher-dimensional noise. # get a periodic uniform noise, and scale it to speed: scaled_time = periodic_value(time, tf.random.uniform(initial_shape)) * speed tensor = periodic_value(scaled_time, tf.random.uniform(initial_shape)) if distrib == ValueDistribution.exp: tensor = tf.math.pow(tensor, 4) else: raise ValueError("%s (%s) is not a ValueDistribution" % (distrib, type(distrib))) if mask: atlas = masks.get_atlas(mask) glyph_shape = freq + [1] mask_values, _ = masks.mask_values(mask, glyph_shape, atlas=atlas, inverse=mask_inverse, time=0 if mask_static else time, speed=speed) # These noise types are generated at full size, resize and pin just the mask. if ValueDistribution.is_native_size(distrib): mask_values = resample(mask_values, shape, spline_order=spline_order) mask_values = pin_corners(mask_values, shape, freq, corners) if shape[2] == 2: tensor = tf.stack([tensor[:, :, 0], tf.stack(mask_values)[:, :, 0]], 2) elif shape[2] == 4: tensor = tf.stack([tensor[:, :, 0], tensor[:, :, 1], tensor[:, :, 2], tf.stack(mask_values)[:, :, 0]], 2) else: tensor *= mask_values if not ValueDistribution.is_native_size(distrib): tensor = resample(tensor, shape, spline_order=spline_order) tensor = pin_corners(tensor, shape, freq, corners) if distrib not in (ValueDistribution.ones, ValueDistribution.mids, ValueDistribution.zeros): # I wish we didn't have to do this, but values out of the 0..1 range screw all kinds of things up tensor = normalize(tensor) return tensor
[docs]def distance(a, b, metric=DistanceMetric.euclidean, sdf_sides=5): """ Compute the distance from a to b, using the specified metric. :param Tensor a: :param Tensor b: :param DistanceMetric|int|str metric: Distance metric :return: Tensor """ metric = coerce_enum(metric, DistanceMetric) if metric == DistanceMetric.euclidean: dist = tf.sqrt(a * a + b * b) elif metric == DistanceMetric.manhattan: dist = tf.abs(a) + tf.abs(b) elif metric == DistanceMetric.chebyshev: dist = tf.maximum(tf.abs(a), tf.abs(b)) elif metric == DistanceMetric.octagram: dist = tf.maximum((tf.abs(a) + tf.abs(b)) / math.sqrt(2), tf.maximum(tf.abs(a), tf.abs(b))) elif metric == DistanceMetric.triangular: dist = tf.maximum(tf.abs(a) - b * .5, b) elif metric == DistanceMetric.hexagram: dist = tf.maximum( tf.maximum(tf.abs(a) - b * .5, b), tf.maximum(tf.abs(a) - b * -.5, b * -1) ) elif metric == DistanceMetric.sdf: # arctan = tf.math.atan2(a, -b) + math.pi r = math.tau / sdf_sides dist = tf.math.cos(tf.math.floor(.5 + arctan / r) * r - arctan) * tf.sqrt(a * a + b * b) else: raise ValueError("{0} isn't a distance metric.".format(metric)) return dist
[docs]@effect() def voronoi(tensor, shape, diagram_type=VoronoiDiagramType.range, nth=0, dist_metric=DistanceMetric.euclidean, sdf_sides=3, alpha=1.0, with_refract=0.0, inverse=False, xy=None, ridges_hint=False, refract_y_from_offset=True, time=0.0, speed=1.0, point_freq=3, point_generations=1, point_distrib=PointDistribution.random, point_drift=0.0, point_corners=False, downsample=True): """ Create a voronoi diagram, blending with input image Tensor color values. .. image:: images/voronoi.jpg :width: 1024 :height: 256 :alt: Noisemaker example output (CC0) :param Tensor tensor: :param list[int] shape: :param VoronoiDiagramType|int diagram_type: Diagram type (0=Off, 1=Range, 2=Color Range, 3=Indexed, 4=Color Map, 5=Blended, 6=Flow) :param float nth: Plot Nth nearest neighbor, or -Nth farthest :param DistanceMetric|int dist_metric: Voronoi distance metric :param bool regions: Assign colors to control points (memory intensive) :param float alpha: Blend with original tensor (0.0 = Original, 1.0 = Voronoi) :param float with_refract: Domain warp input tensor against resulting voronoi :param bool inverse: Invert range brightness values (does not affect hue) :param (Tensor, Tensor, int) xy: Bring your own x, y, and point count (You shouldn't normally need this) :param float ridges_hint: Adjust output colors to match ridged multifractal output (You shouldn't normally need this) :param bool downsample: Use a downsampled distance field, probably to conserve memory :return: Tensor """ diagram_type = coerce_enum(diagram_type, VoronoiDiagramType) dist_metric = coerce_enum(dist_metric, DistanceMetric) original_shape = shape if downsample: # To save memory shape = [int(shape[0] * .5), int(shape[1] * .5), shape[2]] height, width, channels = shape if xy is None: if point_freq == 1: x, y = point_cloud(point_freq, PointDistribution.square, shape) point_count = len(x) else: x0, y0 = point_cloud(point_freq, distrib=point_distrib, shape=shape, corners=point_corners, generations=point_generations, drift=point_drift, time=time, speed=speed) point_count = len(x0) x = [] y = [] for i in range(point_count): x.append(blend_cosine(x0[i], x0[(i + 1) % point_count], time)) y.append(blend_cosine(y0[i], y0[(i + 1) % point_count], time)) else: if len(xy) == 2: x, y = xy point_count = len(x) else: x, y, point_count = xy x = tf.cast(tf.stack(x), tf.float32) y = tf.cast(tf.stack(y), tf.float32) if downsample: x /= 2.0 y /= 2.0 vshape = value_shape(shape) x_index = tf.cast(tf.reshape(row_index(shape), vshape), tf.float32) y_index = tf.cast(tf.reshape(column_index(shape), vshape), tf.float32) is_triangular = dist_metric in ( DistanceMetric.triangular, DistanceMetric.hexagram, DistanceMetric.sdf, ) if diagram_type in VoronoiDiagramType.flow_members(): # If we're using flow with a perfectly tiled grid, it just disappears. Perturbing the points seems to prevent this from happening. x += tf.random.normal(shape=tf.shape(x), stddev=.0001, dtype=tf.float32) y += tf.random.normal(shape=tf.shape(y), stddev=.0001, dtype=tf.float32) if is_triangular: # Keep it visually flipped "horizontal"-side-up y_sign = -1.0 if inverse else 1.0 dist = distance((x_index - x) / width, (y_index - y) * y_sign / height, dist_metric, sdf_sides=sdf_sides) else: half_width = int(width * .5) half_height = int(height * .5) # Wrapping edges! Nearest neighbors might be actually be "wrapped around", on the opposite side of the image. # Determine which direction is closer, and use the minimum. # Subtracting the list of points from the index results in a new shape # [y, x, value] - [point_count] -> [y, x, value, point_count] x0_diff = x_index - x - half_width x1_diff = x_index - x + half_width y0_diff = y_index - y - half_height y1_diff = y_index - y + half_height # x_diff = tf.minimum(tf.abs(x0_diff), tf.abs(x1_diff)) / width y_diff = tf.minimum(tf.abs(y0_diff), tf.abs(y1_diff)) / height # Not-wrapping edges! # x_diff = (x_index - x) / width # y_diff = (y_index - y) / height dist = distance(x_diff, y_diff, dist_metric) ### if diagram_type not in VoronoiDiagramType.flow_members(): dist, indices = tf.nn.top_k(dist, k=point_count) index = min(nth + 1, point_count - 1) * -1 ### # Seamless alg offset pixels by half image size. Move results slice back to starting points with `offset`: offset_kwargs = { 'x': 0.0 if is_triangular else half_width, 'y': 0.0 if is_triangular else half_height, } if diagram_type in (VoronoiDiagramType.range, VoronoiDiagramType.color_range, VoronoiDiagramType.range_regions): range_slice = normalize(dist[:, :, index]) range_slice = tf.expand_dims(tf.sqrt(range_slice), -1) range_slice = resample(offset(range_slice, shape, **offset_kwargs), original_shape) if inverse: range_slice = 1.0 - range_slice if diagram_type in (VoronoiDiagramType.regions, VoronoiDiagramType.color_regions, VoronoiDiagramType.range_regions): regions_slice = offset(indices[:, :, index], shape, **offset_kwargs) ### if diagram_type == VoronoiDiagramType.range: range_out = range_slice if diagram_type in VoronoiDiagramType.flow_members(): dist = tf.math.log(dist) # Clamp to avoid infinities dist = tf.minimum(10, dist) dist = tf.maximum(-10, dist) dist = tf.expand_dims(dist, -1) if diagram_type == VoronoiDiagramType.color_flow: colors = tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.cast(tf.stack([y * 2, x * 2], 1), tf.int32)) colors = tf.reshape(colors, [1, 1, point_count, shape[2]]) if ridges_hint: colors = tf.abs(colors * 2 - 1) # Trying to avoid normalize() here, since it tends to make animations twitchy. range_out = tf.math.reduce_mean(1.0 - (1.0 - (dist * colors)), 2) else: # flow # Trying to avoid normalize() here, since it tends to make animations twitchy. range_out = (tf.math.reduce_mean(dist, 2) + 1.75) / 1.45 range_out = resample(offset(range_out, shape, **offset_kwargs), original_shape) if inverse: range_out = 1.0 - range_out if diagram_type in (VoronoiDiagramType.color_range, VoronoiDiagramType.range_regions): # range_out = regions_out * range_slice range_out = blend(tensor * range_slice, range_slice, range_slice) if diagram_type == VoronoiDiagramType.regions: regions_out = resample(tf.cast(regions_slice, tf.float32), original_shape, spline_order=InterpolationType.constant) if diagram_type in (VoronoiDiagramType.color_regions, VoronoiDiagramType.range_regions): colors = tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.cast(tf.stack([y * 2, x * 2], 1), tf.int32)) if ridges_hint: colors = tf.abs(colors * 2 - 1) spline_order = 0 if diagram_type == VoronoiDiagramType.color_regions else 3 regions_out = resample(tf.reshape(tf.gather(colors, regions_slice), shape), original_shape, spline_order=spline_order) ### if diagram_type == VoronoiDiagramType.range_regions: out = blend(regions_out, range_out, tf.square(range_out)) elif diagram_type in [VoronoiDiagramType.range, VoronoiDiagramType.color_range] + VoronoiDiagramType.flow_members(): out = range_out elif diagram_type in (VoronoiDiagramType.regions, VoronoiDiagramType.color_regions): out = regions_out else: raise Exception(f"Not sure what to do with diagram type {diagram_type}") if diagram_type == VoronoiDiagramType.regions: out = tf.expand_dims(out, -1) / point_count if with_refract != 0.0: out = refract(tensor, original_shape, displacement=with_refract, reference_x=out, y_from_offset=refract_y_from_offset) if tensor is not None: out = blend(tensor, out, alpha) return out
[docs]def periodic_value(time, value): """ Coerce the received value to animate smoothly between time values 0 and 1, by applying a sine function and scaling the result. :param float time: :param float|Tensor value: """ # h/t Etienne Jacob again # return normalized_sine((time - value) * math.tau)
[docs]def normalize(tensor, signed_range=False): """ Squeeze the given Tensor into a range between 0 and 1. :param Tensor tensor: An image tensor. :param bool signed_range: Use a range between -1 and 1. :return: Tensor """ floor = float(tf.reduce_min(tensor)) if floor == math.inf or floor == -math.inf or floor == math.nan: # Avoid GIGO raise ValueError(f"Input tensor contains {floor}, check caller for shenanigans") ceil = float(tf.reduce_max(tensor)) if ceil == math.inf or ceil == -math.inf or ceil == math.nan: # Avoid GIGO raise ValueError(f"Input tensor contains {ceil}, check caller for shenanigans") if floor == ceil: # Avoid divide by zero return tensor delta = ceil - floor values = (tensor - floor) / delta if signed_range: values = values * 2.0 - 1.0 return values
def _gather_scaled_offset(tensor, input_column_index, input_row_index, output_index): """ Helper function for resample(). Apply index offset to input tensor, return output_index values gathered post-offset. """ return tf.gather_nd(tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.stack([input_column_index, input_row_index], 2)), output_index)
[docs]def resample(tensor, shape, spline_order=3): """ Resize an image tensor to the specified shape. :param Tensor tensor: :param list[int] shape: :param int spline_order: Spline point count. 0=Constant, 1=Linear, 2=Cosine, 3=Bicubic :return: Tensor """ spline_order = coerce_enum(spline_order, InterpolationType) input_shape = tf.shape(tensor) # Blown up row and column indices. These map into input tensor, producing a big blocky version. resized_row_index = tf.cast(row_index(shape), tf.float32) \ * (tf.cast(input_shape[1], tf.float32) / tf.cast(shape[1], tf.float32)) # 0, 1, 2, 3, -> 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5A resized_col_index = tf.cast(column_index(shape), tf.float32) * (tf.cast(input_shape[0], tf.float32) / tf.cast(shape[0], tf.float32)) # Map to input indices as int resized_row_index_trunc = tf.floor(resized_row_index) resized_col_index_trunc = tf.floor(resized_col_index) resized_index_trunc = tf.cast(tf.stack([resized_col_index_trunc, resized_row_index_trunc], 2), tf.int32) # Resized original resized = defaultdict(dict) resized[1][1] = tf.gather_nd(tensor, resized_index_trunc) if spline_order == InterpolationType.constant: return resized[1][1] # Resized neighbors input_rows = defaultdict(dict) input_columns = defaultdict(dict) input_rows[1] = row_index(input_shape) input_columns[1] = column_index(input_shape) input_rows[2] = (input_rows[1] + 1) % input_shape[1] input_columns[2] = (input_columns[1] + 1) % input_shape[0] # Create fractional diffs (how much to blend with each neighbor) vshape = value_shape(shape) resized_row_index_fract = tf.reshape(resized_row_index - resized_row_index_trunc, vshape) # 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 -> 0, .5, 0, .5 resized_col_index_fract = tf.reshape(resized_col_index - resized_col_index_trunc, vshape) for x in range(1, 3): for y in range(1, 3): if x == 1 and y == 1: continue resized[y][x] = _gather_scaled_offset(tensor, input_columns[y], input_rows[x], resized_index_trunc) if spline_order == InterpolationType.linear: y1 = blend(resized[1][1], resized[1][2], resized_row_index_fract) y2 = blend(resized[2][1], resized[2][2], resized_row_index_fract) return blend(y1, y2, resized_col_index_fract) if spline_order == InterpolationType.cosine: y1 = blend_cosine(resized[1][1], resized[1][2], resized_row_index_fract) y2 = blend_cosine(resized[2][1], resized[2][2], resized_row_index_fract) return blend_cosine(y1, y2, resized_col_index_fract) if spline_order == InterpolationType.bicubic: # Extended neighborhood for bicubic points = [] for y in range(0, 4): if y not in input_columns: input_columns[y] = (input_columns[1] + (y - 1)) % input_shape[0] for x in range(0, 4): if x not in input_rows: input_rows[x] = (input_rows[1] + (x - 1)) % input_shape[1] resized[y][x] = _gather_scaled_offset(tensor, input_columns[y], input_rows[x], resized_index_trunc) points.append(blend_cubic(resized[y][0], resized[y][1], resized[y][2], resized[y][3], resized_row_index_fract)) args = points + [resized_col_index_fract] return blend_cubic(*args)
[docs]def proportional_downsample(tensor, shape, new_shape): """ Given a new shape which is evenly divisible by the old shape, shrink the image by averaging pixel values. :param Tensor tensor: :param list[int] shape: :param list[int] new_shape: """ kernel_shape = [max(int(shape[0] / new_shape[0]), 1), max(int(shape[1] / new_shape[1]), 1), shape[2], 1] kernel = tf.ones(kernel_shape) out = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d([tensor], kernel, [1, kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1], 1], "VALID")[0] / (kernel_shape[0] * kernel_shape[1]) return resample(out, new_shape)
[docs]def row_index(shape): """ Generate an X index for the given tensor. .. code-block:: python [ [ 0, 1, 2, ... width-1 ], [ 0, 1, 2, ... width-1 ], ... (x height) ] .. image:: images/row_index.jpg :width: 1024 :height: 256 :alt: Noisemaker example output (CC0) :param list[int] shape: :return: Tensor of shape (height, width) """ height = shape[0] width = shape[1] row_identity = tf.cumsum(tf.ones([width], dtype=tf.int32), exclusive=True) row_identity = tf.reshape(tf.tile(row_identity, [height]), [height, width]) return row_identity
[docs]def column_index(shape): """ Generate a Y index for the given tensor. .. code-block:: python [ [ 0, 0, 0, ... ], [ 1, 1, 1, ... ], [ n, n, n, ... ], ... [ height-1, height-1, height-1, ... ] ] .. image:: images/column_index.jpg :width: 1024 :height: 256 :alt: Noisemaker example output (CC0) :param list[int] shape: :return: Tensor of shape (height, width) """ height = shape[0] width = shape[1] column_identity = tf.ones([width], dtype=tf.int32) column_identity = tf.tile(column_identity, [height]) column_identity = tf.reshape(column_identity, [height, width]) column_identity = tf.cumsum(column_identity, exclusive=True) return column_identity
[docs]def offset(tensor, shape, x=0, y=0): """ """ if x == 0 and y == 0: return tensor return tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.stack([(column_index(shape) + y) % shape[0], (row_index(shape) + x) % shape[1]], 2))
def _linear_components(a, b, g): return a * (1 - g), b * g
[docs]def blend(a, b, g): """ Blend a and b values with linear interpolation. :param Tensor a: :param Tensor b: :param float|Tensor g: Blending gradient a to b (0..1) :return Tensor: """ return sum(_linear_components(a, b, g))
def _cosine_components(a, b, g): # This guy is great g2 = (1 - tf.cos(g * math.pi)) / 2 return a * (1 - g2), b * g2
[docs]def blend_cosine(a, b, g): """ Blend a and b values with cosine interpolation. :param Tensor a: :param Tensor b: :param float|Tensor g: Blending gradient a to b (0..1) :return Tensor: """ return sum(_cosine_components(a, b, g))
def _cubic_components(a, b, c, d, g): # This guy is great g2 = g * g a0 = d - c - a + b a1 = a - b - a0 a2 = c - a a3 = b return a0 * g * g2, a1 * g2, a2 * g + a3
[docs]def blend_cubic(a, b, c, d, g): """ Blend b and c values with bi-cubic interpolation. :param Tensor a: :param Tensor b: :param Tensor c: :param Tensor d: :param float|Tensor g: Blending gradient b to c (0..1) :return Tensor: """ return sum(_cubic_components(a, b, c, d, g))
[docs]def freq_for_shape(freq, shape): """ Given a base frequency as int, generate noise frequencies for each spatial dimension. :param int freq: Base frequency :param list[int] shape: List of spatial dimensions, e.g. [height, width] """ height = shape[0] width = shape[1] if height == width: return [freq, freq] elif height < width: return [freq, int(freq * width / height)] else: return [int(freq * height / width), freq]
[docs]def ridge(tensor): """ Create a "ridge" at midpoint values. 1 - abs(n * 2 - 1) .. image:: images/crease.jpg :width: 1024 :height: 256 :alt: Noisemaker example output (CC0) :param Tensor tensor: An image tensor. :return: Tensor """ return 1.0 - tf.abs(tensor * 2 - 1)
[docs]def simple_multires(freq, shape, octaves=1, spline_order=InterpolationType.bicubic, distrib=ValueDistribution.uniform, corners=False, ridges=False, mask=None, mask_inverse=False, mask_static=False, time=0.0, speed=1.0): """Generate multi-octave value noise. Unlike generators.multires, this function is single-channel and does not apply effects.""" if isinstance(freq, int): freq = freq_for_shape(freq, shape) tensor = tf.zeros(shape) for octave in range(1, octaves + 1): multiplier = 2 ** octave base_freq = [int(f * .5 * multiplier) for f in freq] if all(base_freq[i] > shape[i] for i in range(len(base_freq))): break layer = values(freq=base_freq, shape=shape, spline_order=spline_order, distrib=distrib, corners=corners, mask=mask, mask_inverse=mask_inverse, mask_static=mask_static, time=time, speed=speed) if ridges: layer = ridge(layer) tensor += layer / multiplier return normalize(tensor)
[docs]def value_shape(shape): """ """ return [shape[0], shape[1], 1]
[docs]def normalized_sine(value): """ """ return (tf.sin(value) + 1.0) * 0.5
def _conform_kernel_to_tensor(kernel, tensor, shape): """Re-shape a convolution kernel to match the given tensor's color dimensions.""" values, _ = masks.mask_values(kernel) length = len(values) channels = shape[-1] temp = np.repeat(values, channels) temp = tf.reshape(temp, (length, length, channels, 1)) temp = tf.cast(temp, tf.float32) temp /= tf.maximum(tf.reduce_max(temp), tf.reduce_min(temp) * -1) return temp
[docs]@effect() def convolve(tensor, shape, kernel=None, with_normalize=True, alpha=1.0, time=0.0, speed=1.0): """ Apply a convolution kernel to an image tensor. .. code-block:: python image = convolve(image, shape, ValueMask.conv2d_shadow) :param Tensor tensor: An image tensor. :param list[int] shape: :param ValueMask kernel: See conv2d_* members in ValueMask enum :param bool with_normalize: Normalize output (True) :paral float alpha: Alpha blending amount :return: Tensor """ height, width, channels = shape kernel_values = _conform_kernel_to_tensor(kernel, tensor, shape) # Give the conv kernel some room to play on the edges half_height = tf.cast(height / 2, tf.int32) half_width = tf.cast(width / 2, tf.int32) double_shape = [height * 2, width * 2, channels] out = tf.tile(tensor, [2, 2, 1]) # Tile 2x2 out = offset(out, double_shape, half_width, half_height) out = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d([out], kernel_values, [1, 1, 1, 1], "VALID")[0] out = tf.image.resize_with_crop_or_pad(out, height, width) if with_normalize: out = normalize(out) if kernel == ValueMask.conv2d_edges: out = tf.abs(out - .5) * 2 if alpha == 1.0: return out return blend(tensor, out, alpha)
[docs]@effect() def refract(tensor, shape, displacement=.5, reference_x=None, reference_y=None, warp_freq=None, spline_order=InterpolationType.bicubic, from_derivative=False, signed_range=True, time=0.0, speed=1.0, y_from_offset=False): """ Apply displacement from pixel values. .. image:: images/refract.jpg :width: 1024 :height: 256 :alt: Noisemaker example output (CC0) :param Tensor tensor: An image tensor. :param list[int] shape: :param float displacement: :param Tensor reference_x: An optional horizontal displacement map. :param Tensor reference_y: An optional vertical displacement map. :param list[int] warp_freq: If given, generate new reference_x and reference_y noise with this base frequency. :param int spline_order: Interpolation for warp effect only. 0=Constant, 1=Linear, 2=Cosine, 3=Bicubic :param bool from_derivative: If True, generate X and Y offsets from noise derivatives. :param bool signed_range: Scale displacement values from -1..1 instead of 0..1 :param bool y_from_offset: If True, derive Y offsets from offsetting the image :return: Tensor """ height, width, channels = shape x0_index = row_index(shape) y0_index = column_index(shape) warp_shape = None if warp_freq: warp_shape = [height, width, 1] if reference_x is None: if from_derivative: reference_x = convolve(kernel=ValueMask.conv2d_deriv_x, tensor=tensor, shape=shape, with_normalize=False) elif warp_freq: reference_x = values(freq=warp_freq, shape=warp_shape, distrib=ValueDistribution.uniform, time=time, speed=speed, spline_order=spline_order) else: reference_x = tensor if reference_y is None: if from_derivative: reference_y = convolve(kernel=ValueMask.conv2d_deriv_y, tensor=tensor, shape=shape, with_normalize=False) elif warp_freq: reference_y = values(freq=warp_freq, shape=warp_shape, distrib=ValueDistribution.uniform, time=time, speed=speed, spline_order=spline_order) else: if y_from_offset: # "the old way" y0_index += int(height * .5) x0_index += int(width * .5) reference_y = tf.gather_nd(reference_x, tf.stack([y0_index % height, x0_index % width], 2)) else: reference_y = reference_x reference_x = tf.cos(reference_x * math.tau) reference_y = tf.sin(reference_y * math.tau) quad_directional = signed_range and not from_derivative # Use extended range so we can refract in 4 directions (-1..1) instead of 2 (0..1). # Doesn't work with derivatives (and isn't needed), because derivatives are signed naturally. x_offsets = value_map(reference_x, shape, signed_range=quad_directional, with_normalize=False) * displacement * tf.cast(width, tf.float32) y_offsets = value_map(reference_y, shape, signed_range=quad_directional, with_normalize=False) * displacement * tf.cast(height, tf.float32) # If not using extended range (0..1 instead of -1..1), keep the value range consistent. if not quad_directional: x_offsets *= 2.0 y_offsets *= 2.0 # Bilinear interpolation of midpoints x0_offsets = (tf.cast(x_offsets, tf.int32) + x0_index) % width x1_offsets = (x0_offsets + 1) % width y0_offsets = (tf.cast(y_offsets, tf.int32) + y0_index) % height y1_offsets = (y0_offsets + 1) % height x0_y0 = tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.stack([y0_offsets, x0_offsets], 2)) x1_y0 = tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.stack([y0_offsets, x1_offsets], 2)) x0_y1 = tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.stack([y1_offsets, x0_offsets], 2)) x1_y1 = tf.gather_nd(tensor, tf.stack([y1_offsets, x1_offsets], 2)) x_fract = tf.reshape(x_offsets - tf.floor(x_offsets), [height, width, 1]) y_fract = tf.reshape(y_offsets - tf.floor(y_offsets), [height, width, 1]) x_y0 = blend(x0_y0, x1_y0, x_fract) x_y1 = blend(x0_y1, x1_y1, x_fract) return blend(x_y0, x_y1, y_fract)
[docs]def value_map(tensor, shape, keepdims=False, signed_range=False, with_normalize=True): """ Create a grayscale value map from the given image Tensor, based on apparent luminance. Return value ranges between 0 and 1. :param Tensor tensor: :param list[int] shape: :param bool keepdims: If True, don't collapse the channel dimension. :param bool signed_range: If True, use an extended value range between -1 and 1. :return: Tensor of shape (height, width), or (height, width, channels) if keepdims was True. """ # XXX Why is shape sometimes wrong when passed in from refract? shape = tf.shape(tensor) if shape[2] in (1, 2): tensor = tensor[:, :, 0] elif shape[2] == 3: tensor = oklab.rgb_to_oklab(clamp01(tensor))[:, :, 0] elif shape[2] == 4: tensor = clamp01(tensor) tensor = oklab.rgb_to_oklab(tf.stack([tensor[:, :, 0], tensor[:, :, 1], tensor[:, :, 2]], 2))[:, :, 0] if keepdims: tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1) if with_normalize: tensor = normalize(tensor, signed_range=signed_range) elif signed_range: tensor = tensor * 2.0 - 1.0 return tensor
[docs]def singularity(tensor, shape, diagram_type=VoronoiDiagramType.range, **kwargs): """ Return the range diagram for a single voronoi point, approximately centered. :param Tensor tensor: :param list[int] shape: :param VoronoiDiagramType|int diagram_type: :param DistanceMetric|int dist_metric: Additional kwargs will be sent to the `voronoi` metric. """ x, y = point_cloud(1, PointDistribution.square, shape) return voronoi(tensor, shape, diagram_type=diagram_type, xy=(x, y, 1), **kwargs)
[docs]def pin_corners(tensor, shape, freq, corners): """Pin values to image corners, or align with image center, as per the given "corners" arg.""" if (not corners and (freq[0] % 2) == 0) or (corners and (freq[0] % 2) == 1): tensor = offset(tensor, shape, x=int((shape[1] / freq[1]) * .5), y=int((shape[0] / freq[0]) * .5)) return tensor
[docs]def coerce_enum(value, cls): """Attempt to coerce a given string or int value into an Enum instance.""" if isinstance(value, int): value = cls(value) elif isinstance(value, str): value = cls[value] return value
[docs]def clamp01(tensor): return tf.maximum(tf.minimum(tensor, 1.0), 0.0)